Avoid Scope Creep in your web development project

You have already read our introduction to this topic: Managing your Web Developer: Setting the Ground Rules. If you have not yet read that, Click Here to get to that document.

There are countless stories of Web Development projects gone wrong, and we have heard them all.


In this 7 page PDF, our second in the series, you will learn:

  • How to set up an approval structure
  • What ‘Feature Creep’ is
  • The only two ways to handle Feature Creep
  • What to expect when you see your site for the first time
  • Testing your site best practices
  • Considerations for what happens after you launch the site

The goal of this 7 page document is to help you keep your sanity and avoid going over budget by preparing you for your upcoming or current web/mobile development project. We break the process down into phases, and give you advice on what to expect from each phase and how to be proactive about the various aspects of the project/relationship. This document handles the production phases between Production and Launch.

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Filed under: Tips
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