Beloved Mascot


Since 1996, Monty has been a part of the Montana Banana logo and brand. Originally designed by Stewart’s close friend Kevin Lacroix, the original Monty was a fun, memorable illustration that brought a smile to our client’s faces… I mean, how many bananas have you seen wearing a cowboy hat?

So why “Montana Banana”? We say: why not? We’re not from Montana, nor are we avid poker players (you might find our company name on wikipedia). However, Montana Banana is a name you’re not going to forget.

The original Monty, circa 1996.
Rebrand concepts.
The new and improved Monty!

Years of experience.

Monty has been part of our website since the beginning, for over 29 years. That’s a long time. He’s seen website trends from nested tables to flashy Flash websites to modern mobile web experiences.

Take a look at how has changed over the past 29 years: