The most popular platform on the web.
Many clients need information-only sites. Some want a familiar Content Management System (CMS). For these clients, we encourage them to use WordPress.
Without question, the WordPress admin panel is the sleekest and easiest to use. That’s why in 2011 WordPress won the award for Open Source App of the Year. That may be old news at this point, but WordPress hasn’t lost its edge or its market share.
Montana Banana brings a wealth of WordPress knowledge to the table. We know when to use—or when to discourage the use of—WordPress.
Some companies use site builder themes. Those can be handy, particularly if you’re just getting started and trying it on your own. The downside is they’re bulky, slow your site down, and can be unintuitive, and limiting.
We build custom sites. It’s a bit more work up front, but only requires vetted, secure plugins. We put everything in it that you’ll need, and get rid of anything that will get in the way of you using your site.
After all, running your business is how you should be spending your time. Managing your website should be an efficient tool to help make that happen.
A secure, auto updating platform
Expansive library of third party plugins
E-Commerce options for your online store
Theme support to make it look however you want
Incredibly customizable, even without plugins
Secure, optimized hosting platforms available

Seriously versatile.
WordPress has been around since 2003. For the first few years, it was the most recommended blogging software for your blogging website. The open source community surrounding WordPress knew there was so much more it could do. This huge community completely overhauled the code in an effort to make it easier for coders to build ANYTHING on top of the CMS. This custom code is typically packaged for use by other developers either for free or for a fee. There are roughly 28,000 plugins we have access to (that is a LOT).
WordPress Sites
Vallarta Supermarkets
Brand extension, Smart phone specific version, Wordpress, Conversion plan management